Friday, February 17, 2012

Red beans and rice a Southern thing

This is a dish I love, but sadly it is banished from my diet since it causes my stomach pain to flare up to a point where I if lucky sleep all day, and feel like I have the flu, and at it's worst has sent me to the ER. My kids can't get enough though, and my ex and her family love it as well, so it gets made, and I find something else. It is also a very easy recipe, and there seem to be as many variations as there are people. The important thing is good quality sausage, and always start with dry beans, canned ones just turn to mush.

2 lbs dry red kidney beans
1 lb smoked kielbasa sliced into chunks
1 lb conecuh sausage sliced into chunks (a good spicy sausage works if the real stuff isn't available)
1 medium onion
4 cloves garlic
about half a pack of smoked pork jowls (thick bacon will work, it's just for flavoring the beans)
rice (we use instant and use 2 packs, basically you make a bed of the rice so amounts will vary based on individual tastes)

The night before you make it soak the beans (cover with water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, and let sit overnight, but a minimum of 4 hours)
Drain soaking liquid (makes beans easier to digest)
Transfer beans to crock pot (can be done in a regular pot, but tends to stick) add pork, salt to taste (start small and add later) and cook on medium heat for 2 hours.
Add onion and garlic, and cook an additional 2 hours.
add sausages, and let cook for 1-2 hours or until beans are tender.
Serve over rice with cornbread, and pour a little peppersauce (recipe tomorrow) over top

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